Development and discipline through play
To us, training means positive stimulation and rewards for your four-legged friend’s achievements. Our top trainers work patiently and enthusiastically to support you in training your friend. We are here to build an authentic and harmonious relationship together.
6 packages of training lessons
+9,000 trained puppies

250 lei
Individual training
1 session 15-20 min
Mandatory evaluation session

1850 lei
Individual Training Package
8 sessions
2 sessions/week * valid for one month
Training services are for those who want to have an educated and reliable dog.
Training is achieved through positive stimulation, rewarding successes and working with the owner permanently.
Mandatory evaluation session

2750 lei
Individual Training Package
12 sessions
3 sessions / week * valid for one month
30% discount on accommodation (1 month subscription only)
30% discount at daycare (only for 15/20/30 day subscription)
Training services are for those who want to have an educated and reliable dog. Training is achieved through positive stimulation, rewarding successes and working with the owner permanently.
Mandatory evaluation session

3500 lei
Training with Pet Hotel
20 sessions
50% discount on accommodation (1 month subscription only)
50% discount at daycare (20/30 day subscription only)
During the training, the dog can stay in the hotel. This is an intensive training program, where the trainer works daily (Monday – Friday) with the dog, over the course of a month. The price of accommodation for one month is added to the price of the training program, which varies depending on the type of room chosen. For more details you can call the reception: 0753.426.426
Mandatory evaluation session

4000 lei
Training Package – Behavioral Recovery
50% discount on accommodation (1 month subscription only)
50% discount at daycare (20/30 day subscription only)
During the training, the dog can stay in the hotel. This is an intensive training program, where the trainer works daily (Monday – Friday) with the dog, over the course of a month. The price of accommodation for one month is added to the price of the training program, which varies depending on the type of room chosen. For more details you can call the reception: 0753.426.426
Mandatory evaluation session
*training days are established by mutual agreement, based on scheduling